Update 9:15 a.m. – This planned voltage conversion is complete and power has been restored. If your power has not come back on, please report your outage at 800-967-9324.
Voltage Switch / Planned Outage Reminder: If you received a postcard about a planned outage tomorrow morning in the Oak Ridge / Hwy. 34 area beginning at 8 a.m. tomorrow, July 24…that activity is still on schedule. This outage affects about 90 TVEC members.
TVEC Crews will be on site to upgrade the line in the area shown on the map, along Hwy. 34 north of FM 2728 and south of County Road 139.
TVEC Operations is committing a large number of crews to upgrade the voltage of this line, as linemen need to visit each transformer to make adjustments for the new voltage setting. This will not affect your service when power is turned back on.
While the outage could last as long as four hours, it is expected to be less than that. Any updates on the restoration time will be made as edits to this post.
Thank you for your patience as we make upgrades to prepare for increased load in this rapidly growing area.