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Engineering Specs – Overhead

General Specifications for Service

  1. These specifications describe the installation of a meter loop on a service pole or house, and shall supercede all former TRINITY VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (TVEC) specifications. All work must be installed in accordance with the NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, TVEC, or any local or state laws in existence at the time of installation. All work shall be in accordance with specifications and drawings as shown above and shall be subject to the acceptance of an authorized representative of the CO-OP. Where TVEC specifications exceed other laws and codes, these specifications shall take precedence over all others.
  2. TVEC reserves the right NOT to connect service if the CO-OP representative considers the installation is not installed according to these specifications.
  3. All material, except meter and meter base, is to be furnished, installed, and maintained by the customer in a location mutually acceptable to the customer and TVEC.
  4. All fittings or hardware shall be cast bronze, brass, galvanized, or otherwise made corrosion resistant, and must be in good condition.
  5. Mobile home service poles shall have a rain-tight disconnecting device sufficient for voltage employed and for the current which must be interrupted.
  6. Outside or inside disconnect is permitted to be within 15′ of meter base (HOUSE ONLY).
  7. Customer shall leave 24″ of wire from weatherhead, and the neutral shall be marked.
  8. Customer shall supply 5/8 ” minimum eyebolt at the point of attachment to a metal building.
  9. Grounding conductor to ground rod shall be no smaller than #6 cu. The conductor shall be continuous from the top ground lug of meter to the ground rod. The conductor shall be securely strapped or stapled to the pole or building to protect it from mechanical injury. Otherwise install the conductor in 1/2 ” conduit and securely fasten it to the pole or wall.
  10. Copperweld Ground rod shall be 5/8 ” x 8′ and driven in the ground to a point where the ground rod clamp is exposed at surface level. Galvanized ground rods are NOT permissible.
  11. Pole must be penta-treated or equivalent.
  12. Pole shall be a minimum of 16 feet long, round, and be a minimum of 6 inches in diameter at the top of pole.
  13. Pole shall be planted at least 4 feet in the ground and tamped in placed.
  14. Drip loop or point of attachment (WHICHEVER IS LOWEST) shall be at least ten (10) feet from final grade. (METER POLE OR HOUSE SERVICE.)
  15. Meters shall not be installed inside porches (screened or opened) or inside any carport or garage.

Particular Specifications for Temporary Service Poles

  1. The electric service for all temporary construction shall be equipped with a rain-tight enclosure, dual element fuses or circuit breakers. (NO PLUG TYPE FUSES ALLOWED.) The temporary pole on which the meter loop and rain-tight enclosure are mounted shall conform to the above drawing. Exceptions! (1) The minimum setting depth may be reduced to three feet with 2×4 min. bracing mounted at 2/3 height of the point of attachment, secured with 2×4 min. stakes, and cross-braced with a 2×4 min. brace. (2) For temporary construction only a 4x4x16 unspliced treated pole may be substituted for the 6 inch minimum penta-treated or equivalent round pole. (3) For temporary construction ONLY, the conductors used in 100 amp service shall be no smaller than #6 THHN or #4 THW cu.
  2. Receptacles used on temporary service poles shall be installed in a rain-tight box.
  3. Temporary service poles shall have a rain-tight disconnecting device sufficient for voltage employed and for the current, which must be interrupted.

Particular Specifications for Permanent Poles or House Service

100 AMP
  1. 200 amp meter base
  2. Conductors used in 100 amp service shall be no smaller than #4 THHN, or #3 THW cu.
  3. 100 amp service piercing the roof needs to be a 200 amp meter base with 2 inch RIGID METAL CONDUIT (GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE) from meter base to weatherhead as shown in figure 2.
  4. Conduit from meter base to weatherhead shall be 1 1/4″ and secured by a minimum of 2 straps. RIGID METAL CONDUIT, IMC, or EMT as shown in FIGURE 1 and FIGURE 3. No PVC shall be allowed.
200 AMP
  1. 200 amp meter base
  2. Conductors used in 200 amp service shall be no smaller than 2/0 THHN cu. or 3/0 THW cu.
  3. Neutral may be one size smaller than phase connectors, 200 amp service only.
  4. 200 amp service piercing the roof needs to have 2 inch RIGID METAL CONDUIT (GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE) from meter base to weatherhead as shown in FIGURE 2.
  5. Conduit from meter base to weatherhead shall be 2 inch RIGID METAL CONDUIT, IMC, or EMT and secured by a minimum of 2 straps as shown in FIGURE 1 and FIGURE 3. No PVC shall be allowed.